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Disclaimer California License

This Website Biomagnetic Life and our new page to Biomagnetism Earth is own and operated by Elizabeth Shuhaibar BS, H.H.P, advance level Biomagnetism Practitioner graduated from Superior School of Biomagnetism (Escuela de Biomagnetismo Isaac Goiz Durán), the only official training school, founded and recognized by Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán MD, the discoverer of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy and his son Dr. David Goiz Martínez MD. She is a member of the University of Chapingo, Mexico College of Medical Biomagnetism (Colegio Mexicano de Biomagnetismo Médico A.C.). Completed all training and is official certified in all advance levels of Biomagnetism, Bioenergetics and Biomagnetic Neuropsychology.

Biomagnetism Therapy consists on applying medium intensity magnets between 1000- 15 000 gauss in specific areas of the body in order to help balance energetically the pH levels, of Alkalinity and Acidity in the body. located in Diamond Bar, California. Therapies are provided by Elizabeth Shuhaibar and are conducted at a treatment office. There are sessions for distance healing available, and for this a picture of the person is required.


Elizabeth is not a medical doctor, and is not qualified to make medical diagnoses, or to give medical advice. We do not advise using Bioenergetics/ Biomagnetic Pair Therapy in lieu of traditional medical care, as each condition is unique and may require medical or pharmacological intervention. However, this therapy use as a complement to traditional medicine, or in conjunction with other systems of medicine, may greatly increase health and well-being.

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